Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thunder thighs

The time has come to address my gradually increasing waistline. I was forced to take my TOIL day (that's time off in leau of extra hours I have worked overtime) from work on a tuesday. mmmmm what do people do on a tuesday...
I could do the housework.... nuh
I could watch the TV......boooorrrring
I could play with the dog...nuh not for long , this dog stinks mayb he needs a wash??
I know i could wash the dog
OR i could find another excuse NOT to walk or get on the exercise bike or join a gym.

That's it!!! the car & find this gym that 'every man and his dog has joined from my work'
So's I get in the car, head up the road to where i thought the gym was located & guess what I couldn't find the
!@#$.... drove round and round in darn circles round a shopping centre looking for this rotten weightloss centre that I heard so much about.
Almost ready to give in when I spotted it!!!
Ok then, that's more like it....mmmm how do i get over that speed hump AGH!, you would not believe it I had to go out on the roundabout and go round and round again to get into the back of the KFC building where this gym was located. AGHHHH!!!!
About NOW....I am ready to give up ...just another excuse I know but COME ON, REALLY, what tha'??
Long story , short LOL ......I joined the gym & weightloss centre & am on my way at addressing these extra buldges I have developed over the past few months.
I am soooo proud of myself, I have stuck to a diet plan( for 3 days) & gone to the gym x3.
YAY ME!!! lots of applause please ...Thankyou, thankyou
I am taking part in blog hop and linking this post to 'Fat To Fit'
click on the 'Fat to Fit' picture about & it will
show u how to join in

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there today. Happy Father's Day to my dad , hope I get to spend many more days chatting & reminescing with you in the future. Happy Father's Day to Craig, hubby who has been a great step dad & dad to my 2 girls & his daughter Jaimee.I 'm glad i managed to catch Jaimee spending some time with her dad & having a laugh at their bowling skills ( or lack of). These photos were taken on a weekend when she came to visit in July. Craig & I had planned to participate in the charity bowls day for Northcott Disability Services where i work.
Jaimee was still in bed that sunday morning & I was quite surprised that she decided to come along cause she is rarely up before noon( like a lot of teenagers, I 'm sure!) I was very proud of her on that weekend. She isn't here today & hasn't phoned her dad yet to wish him a Happy Father's Day but I 'm sure she is thinking about him.

He's a great dad & amazing step dad & a hard working, generous, gorgeous husband.
Guess what he is doing today? He didn't sleep all night 'cause he has been suffering with his sore hand that he hurt at work yesterday. It has swollen up a little & has limited movement, so after not being able to stand the pain anymore , he has headed up to the emergency dept to see if they will give him some painkillers or sleeping tablets.
When he comes back we are heading over to visit my dad at Gunnedah and I 've suggested we go out in the boat on Keepit Dam but looks like that won't be happening so we'll see what the day brings.
Hope you all have a great day & cook up some beaut Barbies.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Treasured Trinkets

There's always been at least one noticeboard featuring in my girl's rooms as they have grown up at home and now they've carried them over to their dorm & bedsitter. Two very different young women. They reflect everything & more I could ever imagine about each one of them. I could stare at them for hours............... they remind me of the little kids they once were.
I love how they have draped their treasured trinkets from the hooks that share the concert ticket stubs & invites of parties past, memories of family get togethers, positive affirmations & things that make them happy.

If you'd like to make a decorative noticeboard for your little treasures ,pop on over to home to,4007