Saturday, May 1, 2010

One Mum's Daily Challenges

Next Sunday will be Mother's Day and I have been spending some time trying to find that 'perfect' pressie for my mum & something that fits within my budget. Somehow , whilst looking for inspiration for gift ideas on the net & as usual & somehow came across this news article in the Herald Sun recently.

This letter below outlines familiar stories I hear often in my position as a Respite House Manager of the challenges that Mother's ( & fathers) face everyday with their children who have ongoing challenges due to their wide range of disabilities.
Some of these mum's never get a day off, never get a break, never have time out. I wish I could offer respite to many more mums next week so they could have a day off & mayb catch up on their sleep, get their hair done or do some windowshopping but unfortunately the Government only allows me to give 6 places to children in a my region which can cover hundreds of families.
So, next week, on Mother's Day, I ll be thinking of those mums that I couldn't help to give a bit if 'time out' & I will be very grateful & appreciative that I am able to have a peaceful, stressfree, restful day when some other mums are doing it so tough.

Click on the link below & hear about one mum's challenges that she faces every day.
A mother writes of waste and filling forms Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

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