Sunday, March 14, 2010

Our weekend adventure started with swap meet on Saturday.
Now I haven;t been to too many of these meet.......ings
& I can tell you I won't be making it the highlight of my weekend any time soon.
I 'm told hubby (who insisted I go along) that 'theyr'e not all this bad'.....OK well lucky for you , thats all I can say!!
Cause I ain't going back in a hurry. See this little leprechaun in the green up there? ^ ha! ha! This fella can talk the tail of a kangaroo. Lets go! shoot through I said ! come on !!! Lawnmowers and pumps that was his speciality, NOT THAT I ASKED, THANKYOU!! don't get me wrong he was a very friendly fella , TOO FRIENDLY!! there should be a fine for people like that, SERIOUSLY. See the lady (below) very nice lady too , but she didn't have trouble taking the hint when you need to move on .
Wow I picked up some cheap BELL china pieces for 20cents each Yes!! The next day I seen similar pieces at a Antique Auction passed in at $30.

Vintage Caravan
Roller coaster ( motorised apparently ) mmmm I don't get it what is this doing here? Ford Falcon XY ? Hubby's dad sold one last year just like this one but before the makeover.
Some older generations of Holdens AH HAHA not my hubbys favourite, he's more a Ford man really

What an exciting weekend HUH?

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